Capturing the magic
We understand the importance of choosing the right wedding photographer for your special day.
It’s a big decision, which demands a lot of thought from all parties with a number of key factors to be considered first.
Price will be one of your consideration, but so too will be the style of the photographer, and the rapport you strike up with the chosen individual.
You want the whole process to run as smoothly as possible, so you can enjoy every second of the experience and then look back fondly at the pictures created on the day, which will doubtless bring the emotions flooding back.
What we offer
[box_info type=”light” title=”Basic Photography Package – £700 + VAT”]
- Pre and post wedding consultations
- Up to 5 hours Photography typically from the bride getting ready until you sit down for the wedding breakfast
- Approx 300+ unique photos from your day, each one individually edited to ensure perfect Composition, Exposure & Colour Balance
- High Resolution DVD with Full Printing rights for you and your family
- Albums of your choosing (Priced separately) [/box_info]
[box_info type=”default” title=”Extra-Time”]
- Additional time charged at £80 per hour[/box_info]
[toggle_box state=”closed” type=”default” title=”Album Prices”]
Optional Graphistudio Albums
12” x 8” with Dust Jacket Cover comes in white cardboard box
30 sides – £200
40 sides – £250
50 sides – £280
60 sides – £320
Metallic or Acrylic cover is £20 extra
Suitcase for album is £25 extra
14” x 10 with Metallic or Acrylic cover
30 sides – £290
40 sides – £340
50 sides – £390
60 sides – £440
Suitcase for album is £25 extra
[tab_box][tab title=”Smaller Booklets”]
2 copies @ 8” x 6” with dust jacket cover £100
4 copies @ 6” x 4” with dust jacket cover £100
[/tab] [tab title=”Extras”]
All main albums get a free calendar size 16”x 12” – it has seven each with an image on
[/tab] [/tab_box]
We promise to make the whole experience as relaxed and enjoyable as it should be, and stride to deliver a permanent record to be proud of. Find out more by calling us 0113 8214544 for details.
Please note that this website is currently in the process of being updating, and more examples of our wedding photography will be displayed on here soon.